A Gust of Life...

On a cloudy Spring afternoon, I saw Life outside the window. It had come in the shape of a jet-black Raven that sat absent-minded on a window shutter, swinging back and forth alongwith it as the wind grew and fell. For a moment I stared awestruck - craving for the same peace of mind as that of the lucky little Raven.

Such is Life - Simple, Happy, Beautiful. 

Then the Professor entered the classroom. Once again, our eyes turned to the books on our desks - in a futile search for life where it can never be...


  1. Nature has this beautiful aura around her...Nothing is more pleasant than spending time in the company of her beauty...
    P.S: Welcome back to the blogging world:D

  2. Human lyf s cmplicatd 1. We have to look aftr so mny thngs but jst hav nt nugh tym fr our soul dt stays wd us forevr... Encounter wd d nature touches dt particular SOUL... Rejuvinates it.... :-)

  3. Because the Soul is Nature's own gift to us... :)


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